Meet Emily Mumford

Alumni Spotlight
Hometown: Fayette County
Major: Human Services
Years at GSC: 2012-2014
Why did you choose to attend Gordon?
I came here based off of GSC's reputation for the nursing program. I had several friends that worked in local hospitals and that's what peaked my interest. After attending GSC and realizing that nursing wasn’t the best career fit, I decided to stay and change my major. Faculty and staff worked well with me in regards to my transfer credits.
What was your favorite class while you were attending Gordon?
Program planning development and evaluation. It gave me a lot of skills that I use in my current job.
Was there a favorite memory you had while you were on campus?
While I was a student, I had a lot of unique experiences that a lot of more prominent schools wouldn’t be able to give me. One was working with Associate Professor of Sociology Dr. Christy Flatt; she nominated me for an award for the Sociologists of women in society. Her mentorship in the application helped me to receive the award and was able to travel to New Mexico to accept the award. Another memory was with the mentorship of Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. C. Jeffrey Knighton. I submitted a paper on Retention at Gordon State College and received the award of best paper in 2014 for the undergrad research symposium. There was a semesters worth of research that went into that.
Were there any clubs, organizations or sports you participated in while at Gordon?
While I did not participate in any clubs, I always enjoyed attending some of the baseball games as well as getting the chance to go to a couple of the productions fine arts would put on.
What do you do at work?
I work as a program assistant for the student success center. Duties include assisting the VP for academic excellence, maintaining the everyday activities of the student success center as well as organizing the student success summit.
When you’re not at work, how do you like to spend your free time?
I enjoy volunteering in my community. A lot of my time is also taken up with pursuing my masters in social work at Georgia State University. I also love spending time with friends and family.
What would you tell a perspective student who is thinking about attending Gordon?
Gordon offers an exceptional education, and I think our students in our 14 county region should all consider attending here. I received an excellent education at an affordable price and had experiences that will last a life time.