Faculty Spotlight
Hometown: Covington
Professor of Mathematics
Where did you earn your degrees? AA, Oxford College of Emory University; BS Mathematics, Emory University; MS Mathematics, Emory University; Ph.D. Mathematics, Emory University.
What are your current responsibilities at Gordon? Teach mathematics courses advise.
When did you come to Gordon, and what brought you here? I came to Gordon in fall 1997. I was interested in a teaching position that was relatively close to my home in Covington.
What are your favorite courses to teach, and why? I enjoy teaching Elementary Statistics since students can see the relevance of it in the “real world.” I also enjoy teaching 3000 and 4000 level mathematics courses since the students have not usually seen the subject/material before.
What interests you about your field? I naturally think in a linear and orderly fashion. The heart of mathematics is a few axioms upon which all of the other “rules” follow. This matches the style in which I think.
What are some highlights of your career at Gordon? Being in the classroom, serving as BCM faculty advisor from Fall 1998 to Spring 2010 and winning the Highlander EDGE award in its inaugural year.
Describe your ideal student. Inquisitive and investigative. Students should be asking what-if questions about mathematics and investigate them on their own. The student should also have discipline and “stick-to-it-tiveness”. This is particularly important because everyone can learn mathematics, but mathematics does not come as naturally to some as others.
What do you hope students gain from their classroom experience with you? I hope students see my passion for and love of mathematics, and hopefully, some of it rubs off on them. I like to think that they view me as an aid to their success in college and not a stumbling block. I hope the students increase their critical thinking and logic skills through mathematics.
Favorite place to be/thing to do on campus is. I like to be in the classroom helping and encouraging students.
Beyond the Gordon campus, I like to: I serve as the pianist and organist at my church. I have played for 34 years.
Proudest moment at Gordon? Winning the Highlander EDGE award in its inaugural year.