New Student Technology Access
New Students! Please take a second to complete the technological setup of your Banner Web and Gordon email accounts. You will need access to these accounts before attending orientation!
Step 1. Determine Your GCID, Gordon Username, and Gordon Email Address
Look up your GCID (929 number), Gordon username, and Gordon email address here
Your GCID number will begin with 929 and your Gordon Username will be comprised of letters and numbers. This screen will also provide your Gordon email address.
Step 2. Set up your Banner Web account
- Navigate to the Banner Web access point here
- Login with your Network Userid and Password.
- Duo Mobile will also be required on your phone to access Banner Web.
You will use Banner Web to:
- View your schedule (once it has been created)
- Accept financial aid
- Make online payments
- Apply for Residence Housing (via eRezLife)
Step 3. Set up your Gordon email Account
Make sure to check your Gordon email daily! It is our official source of communication.
- Create a password for your Gordon email account here. Input your Gordon username (from step 1) and answer the security question. Make sure that you see the successfully reset screen. Your email password must be comprised of:
- Uppercase Letters
- Lowercase Letters
- Numbers/Symbols
- Must be at least 10 characters
- Do not include your name or username
- Once logged into your Gordon email, we encourage you to set up your email signature to include your Gordon email address and GCID (929 number). To create an email signature:
- Choose the gear icon on the far right side of your email account
- Under “Your App Settings” choose “Mail”
- On the far left of the screen, under “Mail” and “Layout” choose “Email Signature”. In the textbox type your full name, Gordon email address and GCID (929). Save.