Gordon Email Access Instructions
All faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students are provided free Gordon State College email accounts along with their network accounts. Gordon State College uses the Microsoft Outlook email system. On-Campus and Off-Campus (web-based) versions of Outlook are available. Please follow the instructions provided below for accessing each version of Outlook.
Your standard email address is: username@gordonstate.edu
On-Campus Access
Once a user is logged onto a computer on campus, he or she has direct access to their email account. Instructions to access your email are as follows...
Fig 1
- Once you login and the Windows desktop is displayed, double click on the 'Microsoft Outlook' icon. (shown to the right)
- Remember to logoff of the machine once you have finished. Others will be able to access your email if you do not.
A Microsoft Outlook Tutorial is available which gives explanations concerning numerous common task.
Off-Campus Access (Web-based)
STEP 1: |
The Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser is recommended for access to Gordon's Outlook Web Email. |
STEP 2: |
Before using Gordon's Outlook Web Access you must reset your password at least once. If you have not yet reset your password you can reset it online using the Gordon State College web site at http://www.gordonstate.edu/computer-services/gordon-email. On this page, click on Network Password Reset to change your password. |
STEP 3: |
Navigate to the Gordon Email link located in the bottom footer of any Gordon web page or from the main Gordon Email page at http://www.gordonstate.edu/computer-services/gordon-email. |
STEP 4: |
You will be prompted for a User name and Password* **. Enter your Gordon Network User name in the User name field (Your User name is printed on the back of your GCID Card). Make sure you DO NOT enter @GORDONSTATE.EDU at the end of your User name. Next, enter the password you use to access the Gordon network in the Password field. |
STEP 5: |
When you are done using OWA, you must LOGOUT and close ALL browser windows that are open, not just the window OWA was running in. If you do not, your email can be opened without prompting for a password. |
Student Accounts
* USERNAME: your username is the first initial, last initial and last 6 digits of your GCID#. For example: new student John Doe with a GCID# of 929046512 will have a network username of jd046512. This username is printed on the back of your Gordon College ID card under the magnetic strip.
**PASSWORD: your initial password is your first initial in uppercase, last initial in lowercase, and the last six digits above the bar code on the back of your Gordon ID Card. For example, John Doe, with a bar code number of 2 0445-012345678, will have an initial password of Jd345678