Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs
Term Established:
Fall, 2014
As a result of feedback regarding our Assessment for our Fifth Year report for SACSCOC, Gordon state contracted with a SACSCOC consultant to review our assessment processes and help us transition to something more acceptable in the current era of accreditation. The consultant (Dr. Ed Rugg) indicated that the work of assessment cannot be accomplished by a single committee or group of people. While the Faculty Senate Assessment Committee will continue to play a vital role in our academic assessment processes, it was recommended that a separate committee or council be formed to oversee General Education assessment. General Education assessment is significantly different from program assessment and requires a different perspective with a focus on our associate degree curricula to accomplish foundational student learning outcomes for all students. In order to move forward with our revised academic assessment processes, this General Education Assessment group was formed. It is recommended that this become a standing committee of the college eventually. This group of faculty will work closely with the existing Assessment Committee but the Assessment Committee's work will focus more on the oversight and review of the assessment processes, procedures and feedback loops.
- Anna D. Higgins, chair
- Allen Fuller
- Erica Johnson
- Masoud Nourizadeh
- Barry Kicklighter
- Theresa Stanley
- Jeff White, Faculty Senate Chair
Member Selection Process:
The Provost consulted with the Assistant Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness/SACSCOC Liaison and the Dean of Arts and Sciences. While General Education outcomes apply to all students, the goals are accomplished primarily within the School of Arts & Sciences. Therefore, representatives were solicited within the School of Arts & Sciences to represent the six academic areas. Dr. Anna Higgins agreed to serve as chair and all other members agreed to serve as of August 4, 2014.