Honors Council


The Honors Council is responsible for the governance, development and oversight of the academic mission of the Gordon State College Honors Program.


The Council is responsible for reviewing applications to the Honors Program.  Changes to Honors curriculum, criteria and requirements, such as proposals for new Honors sections, must be approved by the Honors Council.


  1. Honors Program Coordinator (Chair)
  2. At least one faculty member from each academic unit
  3. One member from the Office of Admissions
  4. Honors Fellows will maintain at-large membership on the Honors Council for the length of their appointments.

(Honors Council Statute revision approved by Faculty Senate on August 15, 2018, by full Faculty on November 26, 2018, and by President Nooks on February 20, 2019).

View 2021-2022 Committee Membership

View 2018-2019 Committee Membership

View 2017-2018 Committee Membership

View 2016-2017 Committee Membership

Agenda/ Minutes