Master Planning Advisory



Term Established:

Fall, 2014


The Master Planning Advisory Committee (MPAC) will provide input, advice and coordination of the Master Planning Project for Gordon State College. The Master Planning Project is a periodic (usually every 8-10 years) review of the physical facilities of the College and the development of a master plan to guide the College's physical plant changes/improvements over the next decade. The project will review all buildings (including purpose/function, interior layout, furnishings, technology, etc.), grounds, parking, signage, adjacencies, traffic flow (pedestrian and vehicular) and other issues related to the College's campus in Barnesville, GA.

The current master plan was developed in 2007 with an update in 2011. Both are available on the Gordon State College web site ( The 2011 update focused on traffic issues and parking relating to the surge in enrollment experienced in 2010. Much has changed since the full master plan in 2007 and the update in 2011. It is now time to take a fresh look at our campus and plan for its future.

The MPAC will work with the professional consulting team from Susaki Associates ( Susaki was selected as our master planning consultants based on a competitive bit/review process required by the Board of Regents. Susaki will conduct the overall study, seeking input from all College stakeholders (including the MPAC, faculty, staff, students, alumni, trustees, and the community). Susaki will share their findings with the MPAC which will ensure that all constituencies remain informed during the process and have ample opportunity for input.

The MPAC will make recommendations to the College Cabinet with final decision responsibility resting with the President.


  • Jeff Rogers, Faculty Senate - Chairperson
  • JJustin White, Staff Council
  • Ornella Oluwole, SGA President
  • Truman Boyle, Alumni Association
  • Phillip Bell Foundation Representative/Community Leader
  • Richard Vereen, Director of Facilities
  • Sonya Gaither, Director of the Hightower Library
  • Ben Ferguson, Director of Admissions
  • Max Burns, President
  • Margaret Venable, Provost
  • Lee Fruitticher, VP Business Affairs
  • Dennis Chamberlain, VP Student Affairs
  • Rhonda Toon, VP Institutional Advancement

Member Selection Process:

The President, with input from the Cabinet and others, identified a diverse group of participants to provide advice, input and coordination of the Master Planning Project. Members of the faculty, staff, student body, the GSC Alumni Association, the GSC Foundation and the community were included. Care was taken to not duplicate the service of former members of the Strategic Planning Taskforce. There were two reasons to use this approach: (1) to provide for additional opportunities of college service and (2) to not overburden individuals who had just completed a major project.


Active. The committee will be discharged with the completion of the new Master plan anticipated by May, 2015.


No minutes avaliable at this time.