When does advisement begin each semester?
You are encouraged to make an appointment with your adviser or to drop in at posted times as early as possible. You do not have to wait until registration begins. You should see your adviser well before your designated time for registration. Caution: If you wait too late to make an advisement appointment, your adviser may not be available at a time convenient to you and your registration may be delayed.
What happens if I am required to contact an adviser but try to register without seeing my adviser?
When you enter Register for Classes you will be blocked from entering courses. You must contact your adviser and be advised. After you have been advised your access to registration will be unlocked so that you can begin registration if you are eligible to self register. If you are not eligible to self register your adviser will register you for classes after you have been advised.
What are my responsibilities in advisement?
Advisement is designed to help you establish an appropriate curriculum plan to meet your academic and career goals. However, you remain personally responsible for fulfilling all graduation and other academic requirements as published in the Gordon State College Academic Catalog and program handbooks. Click on any item in the Gordon State College Academic Catalog Table of Contents to see the full text of the item.