Drop/Add and Withdrawal Information




How to withdraw from classes:

  • During Drop/Add and Late Registration: Remove classes from your schedule by logging in to Banner Web, navigating to Banner 9 Self-Service Registration, clicking the down arrow next to the classes you want to remove, selecting Drop/Delete, and clicking the Submit Changes button. Check your schedule to verify that the classes have been removed. You may also visit the Registrar's Office in Lambdin 126 during regular business hours.  Students may utilize the Banner 9 Self-Service Registration Step by Step Guide for instructions on utilizing Banner 9 Self-Service Registration. 


Military Withdrawals:

In accordance with BOR Policy 2.5.2, students called to military service may withdraw with a military withdrawal.  A student must officially withdraw and present official orders to the Registrar’s Office to qualify for a military withdrawal and refund of tuition and fees.  Elective fees are pro rated according to the date that the student officially withdraws.  A student who withdraws and receives a full tuition refund will receive a grade of “WM,” military withdrawal, for all courses. A grade of WM entails no penalties that would ordinarily apply for federal or state aid. For example, the student does not have to pay back money already spent for books and fees, and a WM does not count against attempted hours for HOPE.


Guidelines that apply to all withdrawals:

  • No Refunds for Partial Withdrawal: Students who withdraw from ALL of their classes will be issued a refund according to the rules and procedures explained in the current Gordon State College Catalog available online at https://www.gordonstate.edu/academics/student-resources/academic-catalog/index.html. It is important to remember, however, that NO refunds are granted for reduction of hours (partial withdrawal) after the Drop/Add period.
  • Returning College-Owned Equipment: Students who withdraw from all classes must immediately return all Gordon State College property. Any retention of Gordon State College property after complete withdrawal is unauthorized and subject to collection action and/or prosecution. Failure to return college property will block the release of transcripts and prevent future registration for classes at Gordon State College until all property is returned.

Note To Students Who Stop Attending Class:

If you stop attending a class, it is very important that you drop the class officially during the Drop/Add period or officially withdraw after the Drop/Add period. Classes dropped during the Drop/Add period will not be included on your official transcript. Withdrawals after the Drop/Add period will be issued a grade of "W" through the posted last day to drop with a grade of "W" date; otherwise a grade of  "WF" will be issued. If you stop attending class, the instructor will assign a grade of WF unless you have completed the official drop or withdrawal process. You must initiate and complete the official drop or withdrawal process on your own. Notification to the instructor does not constitute drop or withdrawal; you must complete the appropriate form with the Registrar's Office. 

Important note about fees during Drop/Add:

If you add or reduce hours during Drop/Add, your fees will be adjusted upward or downward. This may affect your financial aid status. Adding classes to an existing paid registration will result in additional charges if you have not already paid for 15 or more hours. If you add a class and then decide that you want to drop it, you must do so during Drop/Add in order not to be billed for it. Please be aware that adding or reducing hours may affect your financial aid eligibility.

** After the midterm withdrawal date listed above, a student who withdraws will receive a grade of WF unless hardship circumstances apply. To be considered for a hardship exception, the student must complete the normal withdrawal process and, in addition, the student must also submit an Academic Request with supporting documentation to the office specified on the Student Petition form. The Withdrawal Form and the Academic Request Form are available from in the Registrar's Office or on the GSC Website under Registrar Forms. The Student Petition form and supporting documentation must be mailed or hand delivered to the appropriate office.


Hardship Withdrawal Standards:

To be eligible for hardship withdrawal after midterm, the student must have met the following conditions: (1) experienced a serious, immediate and verifiable emergency or other hardship; and (2) acted in a responsible and timely manner in submitting and documenting the request. The Academic Request and supporting documentation will be reviewed to determine if these conditions have been met. (Consult the Academic Catalog for additional details.) According to Board of Regents policy, no refunds of fees are granted for hours reduction after the Drop/Add period or for complete withdrawal after 60% of the session has been completed. Hardship withdrawal does not change this policy.