1. Do I have to use ProctorU Live+ within D2L?
Instructors and students can use ProctorU Live+ inside of D2L or they can use it outside of D2L by going straight to the website (here). They will need to log in with their self-created account (please use your Gordon email when creating account).
2. How do I schedule an exam for my students to take with ProctorU Live+?
Instructors can schedule an exam via D2L (choose the ProctorU icon on the top navigation bar) or from the ProctorU website. Log in with the instructor account. Follow these instructions to schedule an exam with ProctorU for students to take. It is preferred that instructors provide a multi-day (perhaps a week) window on quizzes requiring ProctorU. This is so that students will have adequate appointment times to choose from. In addition, Gordon State asks that instructors schedule the exams with ProctorU (for students to make appointments with) early in the semester (preferably the first week). This will allow students to make their appointments early and prepare their schedule appropriately.
- This document will provide step-by-step instructions for faculty members in creating an account and exam associated with ProctorU.
- This video will provide an overview of the process of setting up an exam to be used with ProctorU Live+
3. I am requiring ProctorU Live+ for an exam. What window of time should I give my students to take the exam?
In order to ensure that all students can make an appointment with ProctorU in a time that fits their needs, Gordon State asks that you give an exam window of at least 3 days (but preferably a week). When determining the length of the exam (how many minutes the instructor allows for the student to complete the exam), the instructor should keep in mind that this is how the pricing of the exam is based. The price is based upon how much time the instructor allots (not how long the student takes). For example, if the exam is set to take 70 mins, but the student only takes 50 mins, he/she is still charged the 70 min rate. If students make an appointment with ProctorU within 72 hours of their test time, they will be charged an extra $8.00. If they schedule their appointment within 2 hours of their test time, they will be charged an extra $12.00.
- 30 mins or less: $8.75
- 31-60 mins: $15.00
- 61-120 mins: $19.75
- 121-180 mins: $25.00
- 181-240 mins: $30.00
4. When should I connect my exams with ProctorU Live+ so that students can beginning making appointments?
Even if the exam isn't until later in the semester, Gordon State prefers that instructors set up their exams with ProctorU within the first week of class. This gives all students ample time to determine the best appointment and schedule with ProctorU. If students make an appointment with ProctorU within 72 hours of their test time, they will be charged an extra $8.00. If they schedule their appointment within 2 hours of their test time, they will be charged an extra $12.00. Some of this may be avoided by giving them the option to schedule early in the semester.
To connect an exam with ProctorU, the instructor only needs to have the shell of the exam (the name, the testing window, the amount of time the student has to take the exam, and the password for the exam). This can be set up within the first week of class. The instructor can go back later and add in the questions to the exam.
5. How many exams can I require to be monitored by ProctorU Live+?
Gordon State asks instructors to only require ProctorU Live+ for one or two exams per course section. Students must pay ProctorU for the monitoring (see table above), so we ask professors to keep these exams at a minimum (perhaps midterm and final exams).
6. What do I need to tell my students about ProctorU Live+?
It is essential that you place a note in your course syllabus noting the ProctorU requirement (and which exams require its usage). Please also point students to the Gordon State webpage with explanations about ProctorU and its usage. It is highly suggested that you also include the payment information. Here is a suggested syllabus note:
ProctorU Live+ is a live online proctoring service that allows you to take your exam from the comfort of your home. ProctorU is available 24/7, however you will need to schedule your proctoring session at least 72 hours in advance to avoid any on demand scheduling fees. Creating a ProctorU account is very simple. All you will need to do is visit go.proctoru.com. ProctorU also provides free technical support to ensure you have the best testing situation possible. That is available at www.proctoru.com/testitout. On this page you will also be able to test your equipment, learn about what to expect during your proctoring session, and ask any questions you may have about the proctoring process with a ProctorU representative. In order to use ProctorU you will need to have a high-speed internet connection, a webcam (internal or external), a windows or apple Operating System, and a government issued photo id. ProctorU recommends that you visit proctoru.com/testitout prior to your proctoring session to test your equipment. Please note that, as a student, you will be required to submit payment (via all major credit cards) when you schedule your ProctorU exam (via your ProctorU account). The fee for the exam is based upon the length of time allotted to the exam (the fee distribution is located in the table below). For additional technical services needed before your exam, you can click on the button that says "connect to a live person." Please also review Gordon State's ProctorU Information site at: http://www.gordonstate.edu/computer-services/proctor-u.html You will be required to use Google Chrome browser when testing with ProctorU. You will also be required to download the ProctorU extension here before connecting with a proctor: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/proctoru/goobgennebinldhonaajgafidboenlkl/related
Please also link this "Essential ProctorU Information for Students" file into your course.
The following links should provide more assistance: