D2L Assignments and Discussions

Creating Assignments, Discussions, Groups, & Rubrics 

How do I create an assignment for my students?

The assignment tool will allow students to upload Office files (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc) as well as short video clips. These assignments can be connected to the D2L gradebook. It is highly suggested that instructors connect these assignments to Turnitin, a plagiarism detection service. Using Turnitin inside of D2L, neither instructors nor students have to create a separate account. Instructors can view the originality reports from within D2L as well as give feedback using Turnitin.

In addition to Turnitin, which also allows for the markup of papers, D2L has a built in annotations feature, which allows the instructor to markup the papers with feedback for students.

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How do I create a discussion?

The discussion tool in D2L is text based (but you can embed video). Discussions allow for original posts as well as replies by instructors and students and can be connected to the gradebook.

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How do I create groups in Brightspace by D2L?

Groups are useful if you have a large class or if you plan to have the students complete work in teams. You can restrict certain discussions and assignments by groups so that the area is restricted to only those in that subset of the class.

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How do I create a rubric for assignments or discussions?

Rubrics can be created and associated to any grade item in the gradebook. Instructors can associate the rubric to the discussion or assignments area, but they need to grade (using the rubric) through the gradebook.

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 How do I create an area for students to upload video-based assignments?

Bongo Video Assignments is an integrated tool within D2L. Instructors can set up an area for students to upload or record a video from within the browser. Students can also add commentary to explain components of the video. The commentary is timestamped. Instructors can also add their own commentary as well as allow for peer reviews so that other students can review the videos and give commentary as well.