Crime Prevention Tips

Crime Prevention - As part of the College's educational mission, the Department of Public Safety attempts to teach members of the campus community how to reduce their chance of being a victim of crime. The College Crime Prevention Program is based upon dual concepts of eliminating or minimizing criminal opportunities (e.g. sexual assault, theft, physical violence, etc.) wherever possible and encouraging student and employees to be responsible for their personal safety and that of others. The following is a list of the College's Crime Prevention Programs and projects:

  1. Residence Hall Security - Crime prevention presentations, accompanied by brochures, other printed material, and videos are made available on a regular basis to resident students.
  2. Call Boxes - Emergency phones are located in each building elevator and 26 call boxes are located through out the campus.
  3. Crime Prevention Presentations - Programs are conducted for such groups, residents and commuting students, student government members and other recognized organizations.
  4. Facilities Survey - Comprehensive surveys of exterior lighting, exterior doors and grounds are conducted by Public Safety personnel and Facilities.
  5. Operation Identification - The engraving of identifying marks on items of value is encouraged. This service is available free of charge.
  6. Rape Awareness, Education and Prevention - Education and prevention presentations are offered to members of the college community through the academic year.
  7. Emergency Telephone System - With the use of portable radios, Public Safety officers receive telephone calls made on or off campus to the emergency number (678. 359. 5111).