Gordon State College offers a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education with teaching certification tracks in English or history.
Secondary education is a high-demand field, and if you are interested, please consult your advisor or reach out to Dr. Stephen Raynie, Dean, School of Education, Arts and Humanities. Apply to the program in the spring before the fall you want to begin the program.
Click here for a link to the application process.
Click here for a link to the application.
In addition, Gordon State offers a Bachelor of Science in Biology with teaching certification. Candidates wishing to be certified as high school teachers will need to complete the requirements described in the biology with teaching certification program map.
These programs are approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission to lead to a first Georgia Educator Certification in Secondary Education (6-12). Our programs are not designed to meet the requirements for certification for any other state.
Advisement Worksheets and Program Handbook
These maps provide a list of the courses a student must take to complete the programs.