- Applicants are projected to complete all of the lower-level courses required as preparation for the Bachelor of Science in Biology or the core curriculum of the Bachelor of Science in Education with a track in secondary English teaching by the end of the spring semester prior to beginning upper-level courses in the fall semester. The overall institutional GPA for the lower-level courses completed must be 2.5 or better.
- Applicants must have a grade of "C" or higher in English 1101, English 1102, the math course used to satisfy the Math and Quantitative Skills requirement of the core curriculum. Applicants from non-USG institutions must have a grade of "C" or better in courses comparable to courses found in USG core curriculum areas. Non-Gordon Students must provide an official transcript. Applicants must have taken and passed EDUC 2110, 2120, and 2130 with a grade of "C" or better.
- Applicants must provide proof of completing GACE Educator Ethics (360) online program. Click here for instructions about the GACE Educator Ethics (360).
- Applicants must attach a signed and notarized consent form authorizing a criminal background check, and once admitted to the program, agree to fingerprinting. (This is at the end of the application.)
- Applicants must submit three (3) professional recommendations using the provided forms. Applicants will need two disposition forms and three recommendation forms. Applicants should complete their portion of the professional recommendation and disposition forms and give them to an employer, someone familiar with their academic ability, or someone familiar with their ability to work with young people. Professional recommendations may not come from personal friends, relatives, or social acquaintances.
- Complete the application linked here.
- If you are an out-of-state student, you must complete the licensure attestation form linked here.
Admissions Forms
In order to type on the forms, click on the link below, download the file (upper right corner), and save to your computer.
- Application for Admission
- Professional Recommendation- 3 of these; Note: Your professional recommendations and your disposition forms cannot come from the same person.
- Disposition Assessment Form - 2 of these, 1 must come from a School of Education Professor; Note: Your professional recommendations and your disposition forms cannot come from the same person.
- Complete the GACE Educators Ethics Course (360) (required for all students completing a teacher prep program in Georgia). Here is a document that shows you how to register & complete the ethics course via the Professional Standards Commission of Georgia.
- Licensure attestation form (for out-of-state students).
-Application documentation (which should include: application, recommendations, dispositions, & proof of GACE Ethics completion/scores) should be submitted to:
- Email: Kellyw@gordonstate.edu