Human Resources Forms

Most of the resources below are available in PDF format, which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Instructions for downloading and installing the Adobe Reader are available on the Adobe web site . Click here for instructions on how to fill in form fields on-screen in Adobe using the Typewriter tool.

IMPORTANT: To keep the digital signature functionality, you must right click on form and save target as download and then open the file in Adobe.

Instructions for creating an Adobe digital signature



Computer Access Forms

Emotional Support Animal Requests

Motor Vehicle Use Forms/Docs

Personnel Action Forms

Telework Forms


Performance Management Forms

Staff performance reviews are now conducted annually through ePerformance.


Performance reviews are conducted annually. The performance review period is for January 1 - December 31 of the previous year.

Senior Administration


New Hire paperwork for Student Workers:

*Please note that when you return this paperwork to Human Resources, you will need to bring in your social security card, driver's license and a voided check (for direct deposit).

*If you have been hired as a Community Assistant in Residence Life, you will only need to fill out the I-9 form, the personal data sheet and bring in your social secuirty card and driver's license.