Where do I find the Link to Log In to Travel Self Service?
You can click on the "Log-in Station" link at the bottom of any Gordon State College web page and get to this link.
Will my Supervisor/Approver need to sign a hard copy of my Travel Authorization?
Your Supervisor will have to sign/approve your travel authorization if you have a paper "Standing Authorization" or a Travel Authorization for which you are not requiring a reimbursement. All online Travel Authorizations are automatically routed to your supervisor for their approval. A paper Travel Authorization can be found on the Forms Page.
Will my Supervisor/Approver need to sign a hard copy of my Expense Report?
No. All expense reports are processed online thru the Travel & Expense system.
What is the reimbursement turn-around for a travel related expense?
Normal turn-around is approximately 7 to 10 days. This can be affected by several things. The immediate supervisor isn't in town and cannot approve your reimbursement request at this time. All required documentation has not been presented to the AP Office for verification of expenses.
How do I sign up for Direct Deposit?
All Direct Deposit information is now fed over automatically from your OneUSG Information.
Should I submit copies of my receipts in order to be reimbursed?
How do I obtain Authorization to Travel?
Employees should log in to the Travel & Expense online system and create a travel authorization PRIOR to the actual travel. You will need to submit the request at least 10 days in advance of your travel date to ensure time for full approval.
Do I need to submit a copy of the Agenda with my Expense Report?
Yes. For Auditor purposes it is required that you submit a copy of the meeting/conference agenda.
Do I get reimbursed for Taxes paid for Hotels?
Yes. State travel regulations require that when traveling in the state of Georgia you present a copy of our Tax Exempt form and the Hotel/Motel tax form at check in. If you are unable to get the Hotel to remove the tax charges we will reimburse you for them, but you should be diligent about trying to get them removed.
Do the Per-Diem rates apply to non-employees?
Yes. All non-employees are expected to remain within the same per-diem rates.
What is "commute" miles?
Commute miles are your normal everyday miles that you would travel back and forth to work from home. If you are traveling to attend some training and will be leaving from home, you would start your mileage for that trip from home. Once you are ready to file an expense report and you put in your mileage, you will use the total miles for that trip and put your normal commute miles in the box labeled "commute" miles. The system will then do the calculations for you.
Will I be reimbursed for baggage check on flights or overweight baggage?
State travel regulations state the you can get a reimbursement for the first checked baggage. You cannot receive a reimbursement for an overweight bag.