Accounts Payable

Check Requests

Where do I find the check request form?

Go to Microsoft Word on a Gordon State College computer to download and print the Check Request form. You will find it on the "Gordon Templates". This is the form that is used to request a check for payment of hotels and outside vendors.

Some forms are available on the Gordon State College Forms Page.

What is the AP Policy (turnaround) for Check Requests?

Effective 4/13/2016

The processing time required for all payments depend on the time that a request is received in the Accounts Payable Office. Anyone requesting a check should have all "Fully Approved" paperwork with the attached proper documentation in the Accounts Payable Office no later than the Friday before the request of the check date. Checks are cut on a weekly basis and are usually done on each Wednesday. (The Accounts Payable Office usually has checks ready to be picked up from the Bursar's Office or mailed out by the first thing on Thursday morning after the checks are processed.)

Delayed Payments: Please note that payment on check requests submitted without appropriate documentation will be delayed until the requested documents have been received. Please be sure to plan accordingly and submit your check requests as soon as possible to ensure payment in a timely manner.

Rush Payments: Any rush requests must be approved by the V.P. of Finance and Administration and/or the Controller

Can I submit copies of invoices/receipts for payment?

State policies require original, detailed, signed and dated receipts showing the invoice date and amount to be paid. Scanned copies of original invoices/receipts are acceptable per Audit regulations.

What are the guidelines for membership payments?

All memberships should be in the College's name - not an individual's name so we do not have a gratuity issue. The name of an individual representative of the College may be listed.

Chamber of Commerce membership dues are not payable from State funds under any Circumstances - since it does not qualify as necessary for the operation of an institution (according to Attorney General - Section 19.3 of the BPM).

What if my purchase is to be distributed to a group of students?

Please have each student receiving a portion of the purchase sign a document stating that they have received the item.

What documents are required for travel related expenses when submitting a check request?

Payment for Hotel Stays can be submitted in advance of a trip provided that you have already made the reservation and submit a copy of the reservation confirmation along with the fully approved check request. You should also attach a copy of the agenda for meetings. trainings, and/or conferences. In most cases checks for Hotels will NOT be mailed out. You will be informed by email once the check is ready to be picked up in the Bursar's Office. All emails are sent to your Gordon State College email account.


Check Distribution

How will I know when my check is ready?

An email will be sent directly to the person requesting to pick up the check as indicated on the check request. All email notifications are sent to your Gordon State College email. If nothing is indicated on the request- the check will be put in the outgoing mail.

Where do I pick up the requested check?

All checks are picked up from the Bursar's Office. You should have proper photo identification available at the time you pick up the check.

Why do I have to get a Vendor Packet filled out for vendor payments?

Any vendor or company that we have to send a payment to has to be in our financials system and in order to get them set up correctly (per state and federal regulations) we require that a vendor form be submitted so that we can have that person or company established in the system. Please allow up to two weeks for a new vendor to be added and approved before a check request is submitted for payment.


Payment Verification & Reissuance

How do I know if a check has cleared the bank?

Contact the AP department with as much detailed information about the vendor and payment as possible. This will assist our department in looking up the vendor payment history.

What if the vendor didn't receive their check?

Have the vendor contact the AP department so that contact information and verification of the correct mailing address can be obtained. Once the check has been verified through our bank that it has not been processed, the AP department will put a stop payment on the original check and have a new check issued to the vendor.