The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) has reports available online and interactively through Tableau server. If the information needed cannot be found in these reports, please use the following guidelines for submitting a Research Data/Report Request.
- Identify the critical questions you want to answer. Be specific. Do you need enrollment or headcount, duplicated or unduplicated? And for what time period fall, spring, summer of the current year and/or for a specific previous academic year? The more specific you are about the questions you are trying to answer, the more useful the information you receive will be.
- When making a request, take into account the time required to capture and report the information requested, especially if the information is needed by a certain date.
- When submitting a request, be sure to complete all parts of the Research Data/Report Request Form to ensure smooth, delay free processing of the request.
- Please note that requests are processed based on several factors including but not limited to requested completion dates, current and pending requests, priority to the institution, accreditation and other reporting requirements. Every effort will be made to meet requested completion dates and any "variability" will be reviewed with the requestor.
- If this request is to assist in completing a questionnaire or survey from an outside source, please attach a copy of the questionnaire or survey to the request.
- This form is intended for internal Gordon College data/report requests; therefore the data/report output is restricted to internal Gordon College use only unless otherwise approved by the appropriate Gordon College administrator.
- All requests are subject to FERPA regulations.