Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I get student ID cards made and how much does it cost?

Student ID Cards are made in the Business Office in Lambdin Hall and at Public Safety in Gordon Hall. The initial ID is free. A replacement ID costs $10.00.

Who do I contact in case of an emergency?

Crime Reports may be made at any time, either in person or by telephone at 678. 359. 5111. Off-campus crimes should be reported to the Barnesville Police Department or Lamar County Sheriff's Department (911). Other numbers include...

678. 359. 5101 Public Safety/Non Emergency
678. 359. 5573 Director of Public Safety
770. 636. 0088
770. 477. 2177
Sexual Assault Crisis Line

The Gordon State College Department of Public Safety is a member of the Georgia Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators and the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police. Please feel free to stop by Gordon Hall to learn more about the Public Safety operation or call the office at 678. 359. 5101 and speak to an officer or one of the staff, and be all means, be careful out there!

How do I sign up for the Gordon College Emergency Notification System (GCENS)?

As part of Gordon State College's continuing effort to ensure a safe college environment, the college has implemented a rapid emergency communication system known as the Gordon College Emergency Notification System or GCENS. This system allows Gordon State College to convey time-sensitive information within minutes, through voice, text, and email messages to our students, faculty and staff.

For additional information and instructions on how to sign up visit the GCENS website

How do I register my car?

You must register your car(s) online through Banner Web. Go to BOSSCARS within Banner Web and enter your car information. Upon completion, obtain your permit at the Department of Public Safety located in Gordon Hall.