A number of funds have been established by the Gordon State College Foundation in order to support the work and advancement of Gordon State College.
Gifts to endowed scholarships established by the Foundation are directed to the corpus of the scholarship to help that endowment grow and provide a healthier pay-out to the recipient. Anyone can make a gift to a scholarship and gifts can be made in any size.
Funds may or may not be endowed. Funds may be set up for long-term support of a specific purpose or to a temporary project and once the funds required are raised and the project is completed then the fund goes away. Likewise, anyone can make a gift of any size to a fund.
For more information about ways to give click here.
Individuals wishing to establish a fund or an endowed scholarship should contact the Office of Advancement or 678.359.5739.
AAMI African American Male Initiative Program Fund (1212)
Gifts to this fund support the work of the AAMI Program.
Alumni Association Fund (1151)
Gifts to this fund support the work of the Gordon State College Alumni Association. Gifts will be expended at the direction of the Gordon State College Alumni Association Advisory Board.
Art Department Fund (1158)
Gifts to this fund support the Gordon State College Art Department.
Athletic Endowment Fund (1157)
Gifts to this fund will be used to create a perpetual endowment to support the athletic program at Gordon State College.
Athletic Endowment Support Fund (1163)
Gifts to this fund support fundraising for the Athletic Endowment Fund. Funds may support the purchase of advertising, postage, copying, or other expenses related to fundraising for the athletic endowment.
Athletic Program Fund (1178)
Gifts to this fund support the operating needs of the overall Athletic department. Funds may support the purchase of uniforms, equipment, and other expenses related to the Athletic department.
Baseball Team Fund (1175)
Gifts to this fund support the Baseball team.
Basketball Team Fund (1173)
Gifts to this fund support the Basketball team.
Pat Brown Nursing Practice Lab (1168)
Gifts to this fund support equipment for and maintenance of the Pat Brown Practice Lab, named in honor of a long-time nursing faculty member.
Highlander House Campus Food Pantry Fund (1187)
Gifts to this fund support purchasing non-perishable, shelf-stable food, and basic living essentials for students facing food insecurity.
Career Services Department Fund (1208)
Gift to this fund support the mission and activities of the Career Services Department.
Constance H. Chinery Fine and Performing Arts Fund (ES1192)
This endowed fund was established in February 2020 by Mr. Daniel C. White in memory of his aunt, Constance H. Chinery. It is the desire of Mr. White that the funds be used to provide support for the Fine and Performing Arts Program which includes support for the concert and theatre series for such things as ongoing production expenses for programming for the campus and the community.
Club Cheerleading Team Fund (1206)
Gifts to this fund support the intramural Club Cheerleading team.
Club Football Team Fund (1203)
Gifts to this fund support the intramural Club Football team.
Club Golf Team Fund (1211)
Gifts to this fund support the intramural Club Golf team.
Club Volleyball Team Fund (1215)
Gifts to this fund support the intramural Club Volleyball team.Enrollment Services Department Fund (1195)
Gifts to this fund support the goals and activities of the Department of Enrollment Services as it strives to fulfill the mission of the college.
Faculty and Staff Award Fund (1204)
Gifts to this fund provide an annual award to one faculty member and one staff member in recognition of outstanding service. Selections are made by a GSC Foundation committee.
Fine and Performing Arts Department Fund (1197)
Gifts to this fund provide support to the Fine and Performing Arts Department.
Friends of Gordon Annual Fund (0101)
This fund is for unrestricted gifts to the Foundation and is used for the operation of the Foundation. The use of monies given to this fund is governed by the approved annual budget of the Foundation. Exceptions to the adopted budget are made by a vote of the foundation trustees. This fund is critical to the operation of the Foundation.
Gap Student Assistance Fund (1191)
Gifts to this fund provide aid to students that need financial assistance with tuition and fees that are not covered by financial aid.
Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education Grant Fund (1218)
This fund was established in 2022 with a grant from the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education to increase awareness about early college credit opportunities. The objective is to increase the number of students taking dual enrollment opportunities which will reduce students cost of education, and the time it takes to obtain their Associate's and Baccalaureate level degrees.Alan Giles Memorial Mascot Fund (1209)
This fund was established in May, 2021, by the Estate of Alan Giles ('60) to acquire and maintain a campus mascot. The bronze stag mascot was unveiled and dedicated on February 15, 2022 and is located at the entrance to the Student Activity and Recreation Center (SARC).
Dorothy W. Hightower Collaborative Learning Center and Library Fund (ES1200)
This endowed fund was established in April, 2021 by Community Enterprises, Inc. on behalf of the Hightower Family. It is the desire of the Hightower family that the funds be used to support the library and the programming within it so that it may always reflect the standards of excellence that George H. Hightower, Sr. held for the facility from its earliest beginnings.George H. Hightower, Sr. Adult Simulation Lab Fund (ES1180)
This endowed fund was established by the Hightower family in May, 2017. It is the desire of the Hightower family that the funds be used to support the George H. Hightower, Sr. Adult Simulation Lab and the programming within it so that it may always reflect the standards of excellence that George H. Hightower, Sr. held for the program from its earliest beginnings.Honors Program Fund (1189)
Gifts made to this fund help provide materials and programming for the Honors program.
Jones-Story Student Assistance Fund (ES1182)
This endowed fund was established in 2006 by Mr. C.M. "Sonny" Story ('51) and Mr. Bill Jones. This fund provides one-time emergency assistance to students in dire financial need. These funds make it possible for many students to remain enrolled and complete their education that might not otherwise be able to do so. Funding applications are available by contacting the Office of Advancement at
Memorial Tree and Bench Fund (1140)
Gifts to this fund are used to place a bench or a specimen tree and commemorative plaque on the
Military Memorial Fund (1160)
Gifts to this fund resulted in the construction of a military memorial. The memorial plaza consist of a wall of honor listing those from Gordon who died in military service, and a portico representing Gordon Military High School and College. An donor roll listing the names of those who gave at least $1,000 were placed on a plaque at the site. Gifts received since completion of the memorial will be utilized to adding names, and the perpetual maintenance and update of the memorial and the landscaping and reflective space.
Dr. H. Prentice Miller Book Fund (0150)
Gifts to this fund are used to purchase books for the library. An alumnus of Gordon (HS '23) and Emory University ('28), Dr. Miller served as Dean of Alumni at Emory from 1960 until 1984. He served as a trustee of Gordon Military College and as the first president of the Gordon Junior College Foundation.
Music Department Fund (1180)
Gifts to this fund support the Music department and its programs. Funds may be disbursed as scholarships for band participation or to support the annual Recital Series.
Natural Sciences Department Research Fund (1199)
Gifts to this fund support the Natural Sciences Department's research and other activities.
Cyrus Neuner Faculty and Staff Enrichment Fund (1143)
Gifts to this fund provides support for faculty and staff to attend professional development training.
Nursing and Health Sciences Department Fund (1198)
Gifts to this fund support the Nursing and Health Sciences Department.
Peer-to-Peer Tutoring Program Fund (1214)
Gifts to this fund support the Student Success Center's Peer-to-Peer Tutoring program which provides free tutoring to students currently enrolled at the college.Professional Clothing Closet Fund (1210)
Gifts to this fund support expenses related to maintaining a professional clothing closet for students attending job interviews.
Pursuing the Dream Capital Campaign Fund (1216)
Gifts to this fund provide financial support to enrich and expand the offerings the college serves. The projects identified aim to attract or support programs that will enhance the student experience and academic education, as well as reward outstanding students and faculty. The funding projects include:
- Student Scholarships
- Revitalized Facilities
- Faculty and Staff Enhancements
- Academic Program Enhancements
- Athletic Program Enhancements
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Lecture Series Fund (ES1195)
This fund was established in January, 2020 by Mr. Dan White. It is the desire of Mr. White that the funds be used to provide support for the annual Franklin D. Roosevelt Lecture Series held on or near April 12 at Gordon State College.
School of Education Fund (1194)
Gifts to this fund support the School of Education and its programs.
Service Learning Projects Fund (1201)
Gifts to this fund support student service learning projects on campus and in the community.
Soccer Team Fund (1193)
Gifts to this fund support the Highlander Women's Soccer team.
Softball Team Fund (1174)
Gifts to this fund support the Highlander Softball team.
Student Emergency Assistance Fund (1202)
Gifts to this fund provide one-time financial assistance to students experiencing unforeseen emergency situations.
Study Abroad Program Fund (1188)
Gifts to this fund provides support to students participating in the Study Abroad Program.
Theatre Department Fund (1196)
Gifts to this fund support the Theatre Department.
Toastmasters Fund (1213)
Gifts to this fund support the programming and activities of the GSC Toastmasters Club.Scholarships
View additional information on Foundation Scholarships: