
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, demand for the skills English majors have in communication, public relations, and editing are growing. About half of English major graduates work in business or public service while about a quarter teach at some level. Many go to law school. For example, Supreme Court Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Clarence Thomas both majored in English. Former treasury secretaries, actors, corporate CEOs, and national politicians are English graduates. Even a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Martin Dempsey, has a master's degree in literature.

Most importantly, English will teach you the critical skills necessary to be a knowledge producer and to live an engaged, vibrant life of the mind. Check out "Why I Hire English Majors" (Steve Strauss).

Concentrations are available in:



Please print and review the degree requirements before your initial meeting with your advisor. Hold on to the worksheet for future planning.

For detailed course descriptions, see the Academic Catalog.