Student Conduct
As the Chief Conduct Officer for the College, the Dean of Students ensures all policies and procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and Highlander Guide for Community Living are enforced in an effort to maintain a safe and healthy living and learning environment for all campus community members.
The Student Code of Conduct outlines the policies and procedures the college has established to promote the college mission and protect the rights and privileges of the entire campus community. If you would like to report an alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct, click on the "Reporting a Concern or Incident" link below.
Highlander Guide for Community Living
The Highlander Guide to Community Living outlines the policies and procedures the college has established to promote a safe and healthy residential living experience. If you would like to report an alleged violation of the Guide, click on the "Reporting a Concern or Incident" link below.
Reporting a Concern or Incident
To report and alleged violation of College policy and/or to report a general concern, click on the above link.
Student Judicial Board (SJB)
A student committee outlined in the Student Government Association Constitution and advised by the Dean of Students, this board adjudicates alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct. The SGA Chief Justice chairs the SCB.