Campus Operations

GSC will continue remote operations/virtual classes on Wednesday, Jan. 22 due to winter storm conditions.

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What We Stand For

strategic-vision-cover.pngVision Statement

Gordon State College will create a vibrant community that nurtures academic and personal growth, inspiring students to serve as leaders in both the surrounding community and in the world beyond.

Mission Statement

Gordon State College strives to provide a nurturing learning environment where students can grow academically and personally, preparing them for success in life and for making positive contributions to regional workforce needs.

Core Values

  • Commitment to Excellence - Prioritize high standards in all endeavors, striving for distinction in education, research, and community engagement.
  • Student Success - Focus on enhancing regional workforce by effectively preparing students for successful careers, thereby ensuring a substantial return on their educational investment.
  • Innovation and Creativity - Encourage creative thinking and innovative solutions, driving progress and adapting to the evolving needs of our society and the wider world.
  • Belonging - Embrace and celebrate multiple perspectives, fostering an environment that enriches learning and promotes respect and understanding.