- Introduction
- Deadline Submission and HSR Committee Meeting Dates
- Human Subjects Review Policy
- Human Subjects Review Process
- Informed Consent Form
- Process for Exemption
- Exempt Status Explanation
- Process for Expedited Review
- Expedited Review Explanation
- Process for Full Review
- Full Review Explanation
- Committee Evaluation Form (HSRC use only)
The Gordon State College Human Subjects Review Committee (HSRC) is the body of college community members responsible for the protection and welfare of human subjects who participate in research connected to Gordon State College either through researcher and/or participant affiliation. The HSRC operates according to policies established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 45, Part 46, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21, Part 50 and Part 56. Gordon State College understands that the relationship between teaching and research is mutually beneficial. Good teachers are well-versed in the literature and research practices of their disciplines; simultaneously, good research leads to better disciplinary understanding and, when applied, to better teaching. The HSRC is therefore dedicated to helping researchers, both within and from beyond the Gordon State College community, maintain the same high standard of excellence required by research institutions. The committee is composed of seven members: a faculty appointee selected from each of the four College Divisions (Nursing, Business and Social Sciences, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Humanities), a Faculty Senate Representative, a Student Representative, and the Director of Institutional Research. The committee reports to the Faculty Senate.
2021-2022 Members
- School of Arts & Sciences:
- Dr. Doug Davis, Humanities
- Dr. Brian Webb, History and Political Science
- School of Education, Math, and Applied Sciences
- Dr. Julie Little, Education
- School of Nursing, Health, and Sciences:
- Dr. Inez Jones, Natural Sciences
- Director of Institutional Research: Mr. Britt Lifsey
- One student elected by SGA: Ms. Otiona Willis
Deadline Submission and HSR Committee Meeting Dates
Deadline date and time for the HSR Applications requiring Full Board review – Wednesday four weeks before the scheduled meeting date of the HSR Board (by 5:00 p.m.). HSR applications requiring expedited or exempt review may be submitted at any time. HSR Review Committee Meeting – all meetings are held on the third (3rd) Wednesday of each month during the fall and spring semesters. Please note that the Board does not meet during the months of May, June, July, August and December. Proposals requiring full board review that are submitted during these months may require additional time for review and approval.
Academic Year 2017-2018
Submission Deadline Date | Full Board Review Date | Notified of Approval |
January 19, 2018 | February 5, 2018 | February 16, 2017 |
Febraruy 16, 2018 | March 2, 2018 | March 12, 2018 |
March 12, 2018 | March 26, 2018 | April 6, 2018 |
Human Subjects Review Policy
The Gordon State College Human Subjects Review Committee uses the following lists of research characteristics to place studies either within or beyond the HSRC domain. Questions and requests for clarification related to items on this list may be directed to the Committee Chair. Research that must be reviewed by the Human Subjects Review Committee includes the following:
- Studies conducted by Gordon State College faculty, staff, or administration which involve human subject participants from Gordon State College, and/or which are intended for publication outside the college in mass-marketed or discipline-related journals, magazines, books, etc., of print copy or electronic nature, and/or which are intended for presentation in local, state, regional, national, or international conferences, and/or which may have potential consequences on individual safety and security, right to privacy, employment, etc. Examples include collecting sensitive demographic information, such as race, religion, or sexual orientation, or collecting finance-related data, such as income or investment data.
- Studies conducted by graduate or professional researchers from other institutions which adhere to the above criteria of human subject participation, publication, presentation, and/or demographics collection.
Research that does not need to be reviewed by the Human Subjects Review Committee includes the following:
- Classroom research conducted by Gordon State College faculty or students which does not involve minors, involves no more than minimal risk, involves no deception, does not result in publication or presentation outside the college, and does not include videotaping.
- Staff research in which participants are over 18, existing student records are used, and student data is anonymous.
- Institutional research mandated by federal, state, or Gordon State College government which may require a survey of minors because of college demographics, but which adheres to all remaining criteria for exemption.
Researchers who are unsure if their proposed study fits within the parameters described above may direct e-mail inquiries to the HSRC Chair. The Chair will notify the applicant in writing, and prescribe a course of action.