Fall Graduation Ceremony Slated for Friday, December 12
Gordon State College graduates, faculty, family and friends will gather in Alumni Memorial Hall on Friday, Dec. 12 to celebrate as graduates receive their diplomas.
There are 234 candidates for graduation and of those, approximately 111 will participate in the ceremony that begins at 9 a.m.
The processional will be led by piper Michael Grest. Piping the graduates and faculty to the graduation ceremony is a long-time tradition and a nod to the school's Scottish roots.
Addressing the candidate will be Joe Edwards, United Bank Corporation Chief Executive Officer.
The graduates will receive their diplomas from Gordon State College President Max Burns.
David Cromer, an English major who is graduating cum laude said graduating is "the weirdest feeling."
"It's very emotional. I have really poured myself into the last four years," he said. "But, I wouldn't trade it for anything."
Immediately after the main graduation ceremony, a pinning ceremony will be held to honor graduates of the nursing program.
Forty-three nurses will be pinned, recite the Florence Nightingale pledge and light their lamps. The lamps symbolize the one used by Nightingale to light the way as she made her rounds nursing the sick.
Brunch is being served in the Highlander Dining Hall starting at 10:30 a.m. and is $7 per person.
"This is a special time on campus," said Tamara Boatwright, GSC public information officer. "We enjoy sharing in our students' achievements."