Why is the Campus Campaign so Important?
The Faculty & Staff Campus Campaign is one of Gordon State College's most important fundraising efforts because it supports the programs and services that make Gordon State so special. The campaign makes it possible for us to accept, steward and award scholarships; supports internal and outreach activities; supports faculty and staff development, as well as helping us meet the day-to-day operational needs of the Gordon State College Foundation.
Each gift - no matter how big or small - is important because your support helps send a strong message to those outside the college community that we support Gordon State College and feel it is worthy of their support as well. Innovative, quality programs like the ones offered at Gordon State would not exist without annual private gifts from friends like you, made through our annual Faculty & Staff Campus Campaign. Each gift is greatly appreciated.
While the Faculty & Staff Campus campaign ends in October, donations to the Foundation are accepted throughout the year and all donations are counted in the annual giving campaign. Donations are tax-deductible.
How to Give
Employees may download and complete the pledge form to make a gift by cash, check or payroll deduction. Click here to download the pledge form.
Please email the completed form to advancement@gordonstate.edu or print and send via campus mail to Susan Hoffman, Alumni Affairs and Annual Fund Coordinator, or deliver to Lambdin Hall room 328. Contributions of currency should be delivered in-person.
Employees wishing to contribute by credit card may click here to access the credit card portal. You can make a one-time contribution or set up a recurring contribution.
Employees wishing to contribute by other means such as stock or other in-kind gifts should contact Natalie Rischbieter, Executive Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations at natalier@gordonstate.edu or 678-359-5124.