Math Resources

Math Tutoring

The Student Success Center at Gordon State College offers help to students in all the math courses offered at the College. Experienced professional and peer tutors work with students one-on-one and in small groups, with the ultimate goal of empowering students to find their own solutions to problems.

MATH 1501 and higher may not have full availability. Visit GSC Tutors, NetTutor through D2L or email us for more information:

Math Tutoring Do's

  • Do visit us when your Mathematics professor suggests you need extra help
  • Do visit us when your Mathematics professor is unavailable for help
  • Do visit us when you want to get in some extra Math practice
  • Do bring your Math book and other relevant materials, such as hand-outs and graded exams
  • Do be patient-we are usually very busy, and you will probably have to wait a few minutes for a tutor. But we WILL get to you!
  • Do have the time to work on your Math when you visit us
  • Do expect our tutors to put you to work-tutoring is an interactive exchange! You will be asked to work problems and otherwise participate in the process

Math Tutoring Do Not's

  • Do not use the Math Tutoring as a substitute for attending class; our tutors are sharp, but they cannot in any way take the place of your Mathematics professor
  • Do not use the Math Tutoring as a substitute for visiting your Mathematics professor during his or her office hours-your professor is always your best resource!
  • Do not use the Math Tutoring as a "drive by" service: if you come in for help with some homework problems that are due in thirty minutes, you are probably going to leave disappointed. As noted above, you should come in only when you have time to work on your Math. We cannot rescue you from poor planning!
  • Do not expect us to do your homework for you. As we note above, tutoring is an interactive process, and you will be asked to participate

General Online Math Help
