Gordon State College Enters Into Partnership With Communities In Schools of Atlanta to Help CIS Alumni Graduate

By Karolina Philmon, GSC marketing manager 

Gordon State College and Communities In Schools (CIS) of Atlanta have joined in a formal partnership agreement at the Barnesville campus to create an education pipeline to support CIS of Atlanta alumni. The agreement signing was commemorated on Wednesday, Oct. 18 at a special campus event.

The collaborative scholarship program aims to increase college access and support successful matriculation of GSC students from the CIS of Atlanta partner high schools. CIS of Atlanta serves more than 48,000 at-risk youth across metro Atlanta with a comprehensive program designed to help them stay in school and graduate.   

CIS of Atlanta will engage and partner with site coordinators, counselors and leadership at partnering high schools within four service districts including Atlanta, Clayton County, DeKalb, and Fulton County Schools. The scholarship program will serve to support the retention and graduation of these students.

CEO of CIS of Atlanta Frank Brown said the partnership with Highlander Nation is incredibly exciting. Their current alumni program supports more than 300 students and their goal is to serve more than one thousand by 2026 in universities and colleges across the country.

“For the first time, we are able to place a site coordinator directly on a higher learning campus to support our Communities In Schools of Atlanta alumni during what is one of the most important, yet difficult, transitions in their lives," Brown said. "Our site coordinators are there to make sure our alumni receive the wrap-around support and resources they need to stay in school and succeed.”

To promote student success among students moving through the partnership pipeline, CIS of Atlanta will provide a student-needs assessment for each learner and utilize the results to develop a post-secondary success plan. In addition, CIS of Atlanta will collaborate with GSC support staff to engage the student cohort and connect them with campus programs and resources.

GSC Interim President Dr. Donald J Green shares in the excitement of the partnership and in developing new pathways to higher education and career advancement for students across several districts.

“CIS of Atlanta creates strong student preparation and guidance that will benefit students as they commit to GSC and a stronger career future,” Green said. “We look forward to expanding our relationship and building a robust economy through highly talented graduates.”

Students who take part in the scholarship program and enroll at GSC will have access to academic advising, financial aid, admissions, counseling and disability services, library use including access to all facilities, programs and services. CIS of Atlanta will conduct a semi-quarterly follow-up to assure the students are assimilating to the college environment.