Gordon State College Hosts First Veteran Student Advocacy Symposium

By Karolina Philmon, GSC Marketing Manager
On Wednesday, April 12, Gordon State College hosted its first Veteran Student Advocacy Symposium at the Barnesville campus Student Center Highlander Room from 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. with registrants from various Georgia colleges, universities and technical institutes.
The Veteran Student Advocacy Symposium was a professional development opportunity organized by GSC Assistant Professor of Biology Dr. Inez Jones for faculty, staff and administration to learn more about interacting with, and advocating for veterans and military students.
Jones said it was “vital to take special care” of the military-connected students because they are an important part of any institution.
“They bring a perspective that is completely unique but sometimes this also comes with unique challenges. We need as much training in teaching and interacting with these special students as possible,” Jones said. “This was certainly a labor of love. I wanted to provide a safe space for faculty, staff, and administrators to ask questions about what our student-veterans need in order to thrive.”
Participants from GSC, Atlanta Metropolitan State College, Clayton State University, Columbus Technical College, Georgia Highlands College, Georgia Youth Science and Technology, Inc., Gwinnett Technical College, Savannah State University, and Valdosta State University took part in and received a token of completion that certified they were Green Zone trained. Dalton State College Veterans Affairs School Certifying Official (SCO) Katrina Autry was in charge of the in-person training specified for faculty and staff that came in contact with veteran students.
“We had an incredible panel of veterans to share their experiences and provide valuable feedback. Our attendees were able to attain Green Zone training, which is invaluable. Student-veterans now know that they have advocates on campus,” Jones said.
The purpose and mission of Green Zone training was to give faculty, staff and administration important tools to support student veterans and active-duty students in their change from military activities to academic life. Upon completion, the trainees became advocates who are prepared to assist military-connected students and provide resources for them. Green Zone training provided awareness of the specific challenges faced by veteran students and an increased understanding of those students' needs. New or refreshed advocates displayed their sticker or certificate that signified their training.
“The event was outstanding, and all of the attendees benefited greatly from the Green Zone training that took place during the symposium. We also heard from an outstanding pair of veteran students who provided some great insights for helping this group of students be successful in college,” said GSC Assistant Vice President of Innovative Education and Strategic Initiatives, Dr. Ric Calhoun.
Keynote speaker included Dr. David Snow. He is the former director of military affairs for the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (USG). Snow left the position in 2022 and is currently working on a project in Kenya. Topics of discussion involved addressing the needs of military-connected students including financial aid, registrar, counseling and more.
“The commitment of USG and our institutions to support military-connected students is exemplary. These students are globally aware, highly diverse, and highly focused and add great value not only to our institutions but also our communities,” Snow said. “Anytime I help support and facilitate student success makes our institutions, communities, and state stronger and more competitive in the global market.”
Special thanks were given to Dr. Jones, GSC President Dr. Kirk A. Nooks, GSC Provost, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Dr. J Ardovini, Innovative Education Specialist Ashley Travis, GSC Director of Continuing and Professional Education Simonia Blassingame, GSC Professor of Biology Dr. Theresa Stanley, GSC Mental Health Counselors Alison Boddie and Alyse Ethridge, GSC IT, Facilities, and Public Safety team in helping to facilitate the event and make it successful. Additional thanks were given to USG Director for Military Affairs Joe Dan Banker for attending the event.
“Student veterans are a tremendous addition to our campuses and I am proud of our institutions’ efforts to serve this segment of the student population. Gordon State College’s Green Zone training exemplifies the outstanding efforts I have witnessed throughout USG,” Snow said.