Georgia Power Foundation Awards Gordon State College With A $15,000 Grant to Support Initiatives Around African American Male Students

Gordon State College has received a $15,000 grant from Georgia Power on Thursday, Oct. 14, 2021. Funds will be used to provide support for the African American Male Initiative (AAMI), increasing the college graduation rates and producing African American male teachers in the state of Georgia.

 “We are excited about the opportunity to partner with Gordon State College to support its AAMI program, not only with funding, but also through our employees’ engagement,” said Jeneen Andrews, Lamar County Local Manager and GSC Board of Trustee member. “The program has produced many successful outcomes. Joining efforts is a great way for Georgia Power to positively impact the higher education trajectory for student participants, paving the way for greater equality and economic growth in our communities.”

As of August of 2021, AAMI serves approximately 1,000 students at 22 institutions across the University System of Georgia, and the program is supported by 42 dedicated directors and assistant directors who volunteer their time to the program. GSC’s AAMI directors include vice presidents, deans, professors and department chairs. Thirty-five percent of its directors hold a PhD.

“I am so grateful for the support that Gordon State College has received, and the generosity from the Georgia Power Foundation will continue to improve the College and enhance student success,” said Dr. Kirk A. Nooks, GSC President.

AAMI’s mission is to provide an Integrated Program Model of academic and social tools that support students adopting a positive mindset to successfully complete classes, elevate their cumulative GPAs and matriculate through each academic level and graduate. AAMI’s mission blends with the USG’s commitment to the Momentum Approach. The Integrated Program Model includes academic skills enrichment, student support services, adult and peer mentoring plus leadership development.

USG’s College 2025 initiative and the Momentum Approach have demonstrated the need to update the structure and content of USG’s general education curriculum to better prepare students with the skills, knowledge and experience to be successful. 

“We are very excited to partner with Ms. Deon Tucker and Ms. Jeneen Andrews at Georgia Power, and the GSC students will benefit tremendously from the generous level support that has been received,” said Montrese Adger Fuller, Vice President of Advancement, External Relations and Marketing and Executive Director of the Gordon State College Foundation.