Gordon State College Faculty Continue To Promote Improvement of Science Knowledge For Education Majors

Gordon State College faculty member Dr. Michael Mahan has continued his work this summer with the Harvard & Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics to improve science knowledge for elementary school majors in the School of Education, Mathematics and Applied Science.
The summer course is ISCI 2002 – Physical Science/Chemistry – and is being taught as an elementary methods curriculum for students and assists with a study conducted by the Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics under the direction of Dr. Cynthia D. Crockett, Science Education Specialist and Education Researcher.
An additional course taught this coming fall by Dr. Mahan is ISCI 2001 (Biology/Earth Science) as part of the sequence of courses for these Education majors. “At Gordon State, we are committed to continuously improving the educational experience for all of our citizens. Dr. Mahan has been a leader in ensuring that our elementary teachers are equipped with the best tools to successfully get their students excited about science,” said Dr. C. Jeffery Knighton, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost at GSC.
“These courses are designed for elementary majors to strengthen their science content knowledge,” Dr. Mahan said. “Dr. Teresa Stanley, Dr. Lynn Rumfelt, and Dr. Richard Schmude also taught a grant-developed summer program for middle school teachers in Lamar County to strengthen science content knowledge. The testing used was developed by Harvard & Smithsonian.”