Henry County Schools Facilitator Aides GSC Students

Henry County Schools Recruitment and Retention Facilitator Shirell Neal addressed Gordon State College students.
Henry County Schools Recruitment and Retention Facilitator Shirell Neal addressed Gordon State College students.

By Katheryne Fields, Director of Marketing

Stressing the importance of accepting a role with responsibility while in college, Henry County Schools Recruitment and Retention Facilitator Shirell Neal addressed Gordon State College students in a Business After Hours event partnered with GSC Career Services on campus this week. Shirell Neal

Neal highlighted Henry County Schools for representing the ninth largest school system in the state, employing about 5,000 team members and said the system hired 500 new teachers last academic year. She mentioned benefits such as their Employee Assistance Program and a balanced calendar with breaks every nine weeks during the school year help attract prospective employees, along with the system’s retirement plan and support system for professional development.

Teachers in the system can earn up to $250 per semester for maintaining perfect attendance, Neal added clarifying that professional learning days and jury days were exempt from the tracking for perfect attendance.

She encouraged students to take leadership roles in clubs or part-time jobs while pursuing their education. References are a key factor in the hiring process, she added and encouraged future educators to consider substitute teaching as their schedule permits.

“Substitute training serves as a flexible option for the system,” Neal said. “It also serves as an avenue for you to meet administrators and learn about different schools.”

Henry County Schools comprise 28 elementary schools, 11 middle schools, 10 high schools, Impact Academy- an online academy, Academy for Advanced Studies – a career academy and EXCEL- an alternative school.