GSC Professors Awarded Affordable Learning Georgia Initiative Grants

Several Gordon State College professors were recently awarded grants from the University System of Georgia Affordable Learning Georgia Initiative.

The Affordable Learning Georgia initiative focuses on reducing education cost by transforming the use of textbooks and other learning materials into lower cost options. By lowering the cost of education, college students are more apt to stay in school, progress, and graduate.

History professors Dr. Franklin Williamson and Dr. Tom Aiello were awarded a grant to develop an Open Electronic Resource Textbook.

Williamson and Aiello were awarded a similar grant in 2018.

“The ALG Grant will allow myself and Dr. Williamson to develop an e-text for the HIST 1122 Western Civilization II course,” Aiello said. “The e-text will be utilized in that course at no cost to the students and also available to any other USG institutions that wish to use it in their courses.”

Dr. Darren Broome and Dr. Karen Guffey were awarded an ALG grant to develop low-cost course materials for a Spanish class.

Dr. Neil Boumpani and Dr. Xavier Carteret were also awarded a grant to develop low-cost materials for a music course.