GSC Foundation Develops Challenging, Visionary Five Year Strategic Plan
Thursday, June 27, 2019
The Gordon State College Foundation has developed a five year strategic plan aimed at supporting the College, its students, and the communities Gordon State serves.
The plan will officially launch on July 1.
“The Foundation Strategic Plan represents an impressive and ambitious message of “The Power of We.” Our 30- plus-member board understands that our region will benefit from a continued philanthropic investment with Gordon State College,” said GSC President Dr. Kirk A. Nooks. “We cannot reach our potential without the support of friends and businesses in the community.”
The plan cites four Strategic Imperatives that include support through endowments/scholarships, gap funding to help meet the changing needs of students, resources to support faculty, staff, and programs of the College. Imperatives also include fundraising, communicating the role philanthropy plays in transforming the lives of students and the communities served by GSC and sharing the Foundation’s performance.
“This is an exciting and challenging plan that will call for each one of our members to come together and truly demonstrate ‘The Power of We,’” said Lucinda Dallas, Foundation Chair. “With the dedicated and hardworking current members as well as our newest members, I am confident these objectives will be met and most probably exceeded.”
This is the first Strategic Plan of its kind for the Foundation. Its core purpose is to support, promote, and champion Gordon State College.
“While challenging, the visionary goal of this plan is to secure resources and support for Gordon as it becomes the transformational leader of education within the region,” said Montrese Adger Fuller, executive director of the Foundation.
The plan came together after months of meetings between committee members that included Phillip Bell, Lucinda Dallas, Derrick Lewis, Dr. Kirk Nooks, Bob Harris, Dr. Kevin Napier, Chase Idol, and Kike Seda.
“We developed these imperatives and objectives with the goal of becoming a Foundation that is known for its impact on the lives of Gordon students today and in the future while being accountable, transparent and operating at the highest level of integrity,” said Bell, immediate past chair of the Foundation and planning committee member.
Members of the Gordon State College Foundation Board of Trustees include: Reshann Adams, Thomaston; Phillip Bell, Barnesville; Scott Blackstock, Thomaston; Aaron Buice, Barnesville; Andy Bush, Barnesville; Kenny Coggins, Thomaston; Alan Connell, Thomaston; Bill Cooper, Griffin; Chair Lucinda Dallas, Griffin; Jim Edwards, Griffin; John Edwards, Zebulon; Lindy Farmer, McDonough; Bill Fears, Jackson; Joel Fuller, Barnesville; Jim Granum, Barnesville; Bob Harris, Forsyth; George Hightower, Thomaston; Treasurer Chase Idol, Barnesville; Tamara Ison, Griffin; Curtis Jenkins, Forsyth; Terry Killingsworth, Griffin; Waine Kong, Thomaston; Vice Chair Derrick Lewis, Griffin; Charles McDaniel, Thomaston; Ed Mitchell, Atlanta; Kevin Napier, Griffin; Don Neuner, Fayetteville; Secretary Kirk A. Nooks; Kike Seda, Milner; Bert Wall, Thomaston; Dan White, Atlanta.