Gordon State College Foundation Kicks Off Campus Campaign

Poised to advance the mission and contribute financial assistance for education to tomorrow’s workforce, Gordon State College Foundation launched its 2019 Campus Campaign Tuesday.

During the campaign, faculty and staff have the opportunity to make a philanthropic investment and provide aide in keeping with GSC’s Strategic Plan for student enrichment and gap funding. During last year’s campaign, the GSC Foundation received contributions of $25,919.43 with 41.5% employee participation.   

“Your participation is your personal action to communicate internally and externally that Gordon State is worth the investment,” President Kirk A. Nooks said in a letter to faculty and staff. “It has been proven that institutions with high participation rates have a stronger case when requesting gifts from others outside the institution.”

Since January of 2019, the GSC Foundation has received $129,136 that has been designated for existing scholarships and endowments.

“I am excited about the launch of the Gordon State College Campus Campaign, and our faculty and staff are passionate about supporting our students and programs. The internal support that we receive from our faculty and staff will further encourage our alumni and friends in the community to support us during the campaign as well,” said Montrese Adger Fuller, Vice President of Advancement, External Relations and Marketing and Executive Director of the Foundation.

The Campus Campaign will also support the goal of student success. “Because the Foundation has no source of income other than the generosity of people who support this institution, we are dependent on unrestricted gifts to operate,” Nooks said. “The Foundation has no employees, and trustees are not paid for their expenses, so every gift to the Foundation is used to support the work of Gordon State College.

“This year we will continue our commitment to gap funding to provide support to our students who have low remaining balances and are at risk of being dropped due to the balance.  For each student we lose it translates into a dream cast aside and tangibly to a decrease in retention and tuition resources.  Therefore, we are once again committing 18.52% of this year’s unrestricted gifts to the Gap Fund.” 

Nooks added, “We sincerely appreciate your hard work, dedication, and gift to the Campus Campaign.  Every contribution, great or small, is an investment in the future of Gordon State and its students.” 

Since January of 2019, The GSC Foundation provided gap funding for 39 students totaling $12,848.73. The campaign will conclude on December 13.