Gordon State College and Southern Crescent Technical College Sign Transfer Articulation Agreement

By: Brittany A. Tennant, Communications Specialist
Gordon State College (GSC) and Southern Crescent Technical College (SCTC) signed a transfer articulation agreement Tuesday that will provide educational opportunities for currently enrolled and potential students of both institutions.
Under this agreement, students completing an Associate Degree in General Studies from SCTC are eligible to pursue a bachelor’s degree from GSC in Human Services, Health Information Management, Interdisciplinary Studies or Management and Administration.
GSC President Kirk A. Nooks said, “Southern Crescent Technical College has always been a partner in preparing students for the workforce. This articulation agreement shows that students can complete their academic journey locally and maintain their commitment to developing the regional talent base.”
SCTC President Alvetta Peterman Thomas said, “The ongoing partnership between Southern Crescent Technical College and Gordon State College demonstrates the commitment both institutions have to creating opportunities for the students and the communities that we serve.” This agreement provides an avenue for students earning an associate degree in General Studies to have a seamless transfer opportunity to pursue additional education in Human Services at Gordon State College. At Southern Crescent Technical College, we are focused on helping our students reach their educational goals as we strive to build strong students, strong careers, and strong communities.”
This agreement establishes a plan where an undergraduate student may first attend SCTC to complete an associate degree and then transfer to Gordon State College to complete a bachelor’s degree on campus, online or at Gordon State’s McDonough Center. The agreement would allow students to transfer without the risk of losing any credit hours.
GSC Assistant Vice President of Innovative Education and Strategic Initiatives Dr. Ric Calhoun said, “Southern Crescent is a great educational partner and this agreement will help to strengthen the partnership, as well as providing a clear path for their graduates to baccalaureate degrees on our campus. I look forward to the continuing relationship between our two institutions.”
Acceptance of transfer credits from SCTC to GSC rely on a minimum grade of C for any course designated for transfer of course credit, college level courses equivalent in content and standards to GSC courses and a minimum of 30 credits must be earned at GSC to be eligible for graduation.
GSC Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. C. Jeffery Knighton said, “We are very excited to be strengthening our relationship with our higher education partner in middle Georgia. This MOU is another great example of how, together, we are helping students prepare for meaningful, productive lives.”
This articulation agreement is the second agreement GSC has made with SCTC this year, with the first allowing the transfer of credit from SCTC’s associate degree program in Consumer Economics into the four-year bachelor's degree program at Gordon.