Gordon State, GA Film Academy Hold Informational Session

By Brittany Tennant, Gordon State College Communications Specialist
Gordon State College's Department of Humanities and Fine and Performing Arts has partnered with the Georgia Film Academy (GFA) for a program that would allow students the unique experience to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (with concentration in Communication and Organization in the Film Industry.) The program, once completed, will also gain participants an 18-hour certification from the Georgia Film Academy.
The Georgia Film Academy stated the course will provide students with extensive hands-on experience. Students will have an opportunity to network, build resumes and learn to market themselves in order to become integrated into the film industry as entry-level workers.
Department Head of Humanities and Programs in Fine & Performing Arts Edward J. Whitelock said, “The GFA is an exciting new program that will provide our students with direct access to careers in Georgia’s growing entertainment industry.”
Students will take classes each semester in the GFA Fayetteville location and will also be eligible for internship opportunities at other sites as well. These classes are $125 per credit hour and are eligible for financial aid through Gordon State College. Students can begin the program as early as their sophomore year.
Assistant VP for Innovative Education and Strategic Initiatives Dr. Ric Calhoun said, “This partnership with the Georgia Film Academy gives our students access to participate in the multi-billion-dollar film industry that is exploding in our state. I’m very excited about the opportunities this partnership can bring to our campus.”
The Georgia Film Academy is a collaborative effort of the University System of Georgia supporting workforce needs of the film and digital entertainment industries. The GFA website states that it will certify workforce ready employees in needed areas, connect students and prospective employees with employers, and offer a unique capstone experience for top students that will provide them a path to employment in Georgia.”
For more information, visit: Georgia Film Academy or Gordon State College.