Geico Hosts Networking Night for Gordon Students

GEICO Campus Recruiter Darrius Baker addressed Gordon State College students.
GEICO Campus Recruiter Darrius Baker addressed Gordon State College students.

By: Brittany A. Tennant, Communications Specialist 

Stressing the importance of taking being humble and taking the hard-road, GEICO Campus Recruiter Darrius Baker addressed Gordon State College students in a Business After Hours event partnered with GSC Career Services on campus this week.  Darrius Baker

Baker highlighted GEICO for serving more than 18 million auto policies, insuring more than 28 million vehicles and being the second-largest private passenger auto insurer in the United States. GEICO currently employs more than 40,000 associates and maintains 17 major offices around the country, including one in Macon, GA. Baker said GEICO is a great place to work, with the average tenure being almost 7 years and the longest tenure in the company being 58 years.  

“GEICO is a promote within company,” said Baker. “It’s easy to start at the largest facility in Macon and work yourself up from within.”  

Each summer GEICO offers a competitive internship. In Summer of 2019 almost 650 students applied to the position and only 29 internship spots were available. Baker says it does payoff to be an intern at GEICO. Interns gain first-hand knowledge of experience, work for 10 weeks, get paid $16 per hourare provided with a housing option, work on meaningful projects, and network with leaders the organization. 

Baker said, “GEICO wants to see that your resume looks professional, you have a good GPA (Grade Point Average), that your involved with community, that you’re a leader and you have career goals that line up with the company.” Baker encouraged students to be humble and say thank you for the opportunity during interviews and to research the company before meeting with them. “It’s the little things that make you stand out.” 

Business After HoursGEICO has a variety of career options to pick from after an internship. Sales career opportunities receive inbound calls from potential policyholders, prepare personalized insurance quotes, overcome objections and close salesCustomer service career opportunities effectively handle policy needs and assist policyholders in understanding their coverage. Claims career opportunities verify accident facts, determine policy coverage, review insurance contracts and negotiate settlementsAuto Damage Career Opportunities interact directly with customers, inspect and assess vehicle damage, estimate the cost of vehicle repairs and negotiate equitable settlements. 

When asked what one piece of advice Baker wishes he would have learned during his time as a student he said, “Continue what you're doing, go to career fairs and mock interviews, take advantage of the resources on campus, use your professors and network! It's not about going to class and going home, you need to stay and put work in on the backside to get you where you want to go.”