Techsmith Relay Resources for Students

What is TechSmith Relay?

TechSmith Relay is a video creation and hosting service that allows faculty to develop instructional videos. Students can watch those videos as well as create their own videos as course projects.
  • Instructors AND students should create their own account at: They must use their GORDON email.
  • Videos can include a (1) recording of the computer screen (screencast), (2) recording of yourself (using a webcam), (3) recording of outside images or yourself (using the Fuse app)
  • TechSmith Relay can be using inside or outside of Brightspace by D2L
  • Instructors and students can download the recorder and make videos on their office or home computers
  • Quiz questions can be built into the video to allow for self-checks and formative assessments
  • Video analytics are tracked so that the instructor can determine how much of the video the students watched


How do I watch/create a TechSmith Relay video?

Students will have to create their own (free) TechSmith Relay account here to be able to watch videos created by their instructors. In addition, students can create their own videos (perhaps for a course project) via their TechSmith Relay account (they use the same account to view and create videos). The link to these videos can be shared with their professors or other students. (Viewers will have to log into their TechSmith Relay accounts to view these videos. Students can also build in quiz questions for their course project.)


How do I use a Youtube Video in TechSmith Relay?

Students can also use or load videos on Youtube to then be pulled into TechSmith Relay. Quiz questions can then be added and analytics can be tracked.


How do I create a video using the TechSmith Relay Fuse App?

Do you want to create videos outside of your office or home? Perhaps you want to film nature or other areas that are difficult to capture with a webcam attached to your computer? You can use the TechSmith Fuse app to capture a video with your mobile device. You can then sync the video to your TechSmith account wirelessly. Once the video is in your account, you can add quiz questions, pull the video into D2L, or give others the link to watch the video. Video analytics will be tracked like any other TechSmith Relay video.