Gordon State College Statutes

CHAPTER Six: Amending the Statutes

6.1 Path to Amending the Statutes.

Amendments to these Statues may be proposed by:

  1. any member of the Faculty Senate
  2. the President's Cabinet
  3. a standing committee
  4. an Ad Hoc Committee
  5. the Executive Board of the Faculty Senate
  6. five sponsoring faculty members
  7. Staff Council Executive Committee (restricted to college statutes §3.3 “Staff Council”; college statutes Appendix C “Staff Council Bylaws”; and college statutes of a Standing Committee of the College of which a Staff person is a member)
  8. Student Government Association Executive Cabinet (restricted to college statutes of a Standing Committee of the College of which a Student is a member

All proposed amendments must be submitted in writing (see Appendices) to the President who shall assign the proposed amendment to the President's Cabinet or to the Faculty Senate within 10 working days. A proposed amendment pertaining to administrative matters of the College shall be forwarded to the President's Cabinet. A proposed amendment pertaining to academic matters shall be forwarded to the Statutes Committee of the Faculty Senate who shall, if necessary, forward it to the appropriate Standing Committee. If approved by the Statutes Committee, the proposed amendment shall be presented to the Faculty Senate for approval.

6.2 Statute Committee Procedures

In order to assure full consideration of the proposed amendments, the Statutes Committee must: a) fully discuss any proposed amendment to the Gordon State College Statutes, giving each member the time and opportunity to debate the proposed amendments and b) vote to pass the amendment on to the Faculty Senate by a simple majority, subject to the quorum rule. If a simple majority is not attained, the proposed amendment can be returned to the originating Faculty Senate committee or committee of the College, or sponsoring Faculty members for revision and possible resubmission.

6.3 Faculty Senate Procedures

In order to assure full consideration of the proposed amendments, the Faculty Senate must: a) at its next meeting have a first reading of the proposed amendment to the Faculty Senate. In this initial reading, no Faculty Senator or visitor to the Senate meeting may ask questions or discuss the proposed amendment. The second reading of the proposed amendment shall occur at the next scheduled Faculty Senate meeting, where it may be discussed prior to a vote. The Faculty Senate Chair (or meeting moderator) must allow each member and visitors the time and opportunity to debate the proposed amendments. The Faculty Senate must vote and pass the proposed amendment by a 2/3 majority of those Senators present, subject to the quorum rule. If a 2/3 majority is not attained, the amendment fails and may be returned to the Statutes Committee for further revisions and possible resubmission.

6.4 Full Faculty Meeting Procedures

In order to assure adequate consideration of the proposed amendment, the amendment will be presented at the next scheduled or called Faculty meeting where the Faculty may review and debate the proposed amendment to the Gordon State College Statutes. The moderator of the Faculty meeting must allow each member the time and opportunity to debate the amendment. An amendment must attain a 2/3 majority vote of the Faculty present, subject to the quorum rule, to pass. If a 2/3 majority is not attained, the amendment fails.

6.5 Presidential Approval

Changes to the Gordon State College Statutes will go into effect when approved by the President of Gordon College.