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GSC will continue remote operations/virtual classes on Wednesday, Jan. 22 due to winter storm conditions.

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Gordon State College Statutes

Chapter Two

2.1 University System of Georgia

2.1.1 Board of Regents

The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia was created in 1931 as a part of a reorganization of Georgia's state government. With this act, public higher education in Georgia was unified for the first time under a single governing and management authority. The Governor appoints members of the Board to a seven year term and Regents may be reappointed to subsequent terms by a sitting governor. Regents donate their time and expertise to serve the state through their governance of the University System of Georgia - the position is a voluntary one without financial remuneration (

2.1.2 Chancellor

The Chancellor is elected by the Board of Regents and serves as its chief executive officer and the chief administrative officer of the University System of Georgia. The Chancellor provides leadership in higher education and stewardship of state and University System resources.

2.2 Gordon State College Administration

2.2.1 The President

The President is responsible for providing the overall leadership, administration, and direction for the college's comprehensive educational program in accordance with applicable federal and state legislation, policy, and guidelines.

2.2.2 Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for directing the college's academic affairs, including matters related to Faculty and institutional accreditation.

2.2.3 Vice President for Student Affairs

The Vice President for Student Affairs is responsible for directing the college's student affairs functions.

2.2.4 Vice President for Finance and Administration

The Vice President for Finance and Administration serves as the college's Chief Business Officer and directs the college's finance and administrative operations.

2.2.5 Vice President for Institutional Advancement

The Vice President for Institutional Advancement is responsible for directing the college's institutional advancement functions.

2.2.6 Other Academic Officers Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences

The Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences is responsible for directing the operations of the School of Arts & Sciences. Dean of the School of Education

The Dean of the School of Education is responsible for directing the operations of the School of Education. Dean of the School of Nursing & Health Sciences

The Dean of the School of Nursing & Health Sciences is responsible for directing the operations of the School of Nursing & Health Sciences.

2.3 Corps of Instruction

The Corps of Instruction, as defined by the Board of Regents, includes full-time Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, Instructors, and teaching personnel with other titles as approved by the Board of Regents and duly certified librarians (Board of Regents Policy Manual §§ and Members of the Corps of Instruction shall carry out their duties in a professional, ethical, and collegial manner, as defined in the Gordon State College Faculty Handbook (see Appendix B).

All teaching personnel on less than a full-time contract are classified as part-time Faculty and hold the rank of Part-Time Instructor and are not members of the Corps of Instruction (Board of Regents Policy Manual §§ and Part-time Faculty may attend all full Faculty and Faculty Senate meetings and may speak or report, but shall not be eligible to vote. Part-time Faculty are subject to the same employment criteria and procedures as full-time Faculty, but are not eligible for tenure.